Tag social anxiety disorder

stress or social anxiety

Why Does Stress Or Social Anxiety Work Against You

One of the significant symptoms linked with social hysteria is stress. Stress works two ways – the social tension could cause it, and the strain can increase the social anxiousness. Stress or Social Anxiety Ruining Your Life? Fear can become a…

social anxiety phobia

Festive Social Anxiety Phobia Nightmare

Another year, another New Years promise .. If only, this time, it might be different? Are you feeling inundated by both of your own and others expectancies for the festive period? Does the upcoming prospect of social gatherings cause you…

social anxiety and panic attacks

Social Anxiety And Panic Attacks Are Cruel

Social anxiety and panic attacks are more common in people who have a genetic disposition towards these disorders. They are not the result of other mental problems or abuse of substances. Social anxiety disorders are known to start as a…

do I have social anxiety

Some Tips For Social Anxiety To Help You Cope

Do I have social anxiety and how do I find out? Social phobia is an anxiety disorder. Someone with social phobia manifests symptoms of anxiety. Here are some tips for social anxiety disorder to help you discover your anxiety levels.…

acute stress disorder

Acute Anxiety Disorder And How It Punishes You

ACUTE ANXIETY DISORDER DEFINITION Acute anxiety disorder is characterized by the appearance of a set of anxiety symptoms that occur after exposure to a highly traumatic event.  Anyone with this disorder fears life in general because of a constant state of anxiety.…

Famous people with social anxiety

9 Celebrities With Social Anxiety Disorder Phobia

There are many celebrities with social anxiety. Social anxiety disorder is so widespread that even celebrities can’t escape from it, perhaps because of the pressure to which they are being subjected to always being in the spotlight of the media…

solve social anxiety naturally

How To Overcome Social Anxiety Disorder Naturally

People suffering from social anxiety disorder are said to have a phobia of interacting with people, especially when they have to talk in social settings. Find out how to overcome social anxiety disorder naturally. Such patients suffer from distorted thinking,…