What Can You Do to Stop Anxiety Attacks

Episodes of anxiety attacks can be uncomfortable, unpleasant, and unhealthy. Because of this, most people head to the medicine cabinet for quick relief. Some people may find medications an effective way to battle anxiety. But there are more natural and effective ways of dealing with excessive emotion without adverse side effects. So what can you do to stop anxiety attacks?

Exercise Helps Reduce Anxiety:

– Exercise improves the health of the body and mind. Exercise also enhances the well-being of a person. A 30-minute workout, 3-5 times a week, is enough to provide anxiety relief. Increasing to at least an hour of aerobic exercise each day provides maximum benefits for relieving stress and anxiety.

What Can You Do to Stop Anxiety Attacks
What can you do to stop anxiety attacks

Sleep To Help Reduce Anxiety :

A famous adage, “early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” This speaks of the importance of sleep in the health of a person. Qualitative sleep for 8 hours daily is a proven and effective technique to battle stress and anxiety attacks.

Healthy Diet To Reduce Anxiety:

– Along with exercise, diet plays a vital role in the body’s health. Eating healthy food maintains the normal chemistry and hormones of the body. It provides resistance to common ailments that increase the risk of anxiety attacks.

Avoid Unnecessary Stressors:

– Most stressors are unavoidable. And it is unhealthy to turn your back on specific situations you must address. Still, some situations and people cause unnecessary stress, resulting in anxiety attacks. Avoid people that stress you out. Learn to say ‘no,’ trim down your to-do list, and avoid sensitive topics like politics and religion.

Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety:

– Yoga, meditation, Taiji, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, and breathing exercises. All these can reduce anxiety and promote relaxation and emotional well-being. What can you do to stop anxiety attacks is to use these techniques on a daily basis.

Keep A Positive Outlook:

–Having a good attitude during an anxiety attack is difficult. So it is crucial to be more conscious. Being conscious helps you control the situation to battle your condition. Do not think, “Oh no, not again!” or “I’m screwed” when an episode hits you. Think it will be over soon, and control your emotions so your anxiety will not worsen.

Suppose the above mentioned techniques do not work for you. Symptoms of anxiety attacks may result from other psychological and physical conditions. You need to see your medical doctor and get a complete physical to rule out other possible causes. In that case, it is time to consult a health professional about your health.

If anxiety prevails and symptoms last more than 1 or 2 weeks, especially if you have no idea why see a trained therapist.

What Can You Do to Stop Anxiety Attacks

A person with an anxiety disorder usually goes under medication, therapy, or both. Prescription drugs for anxiety are antidepressants and benzodiazepines. But, they provide short-term relief; thus, another therapy is often recommended. Therapies given are cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps patients to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. They are both practical (especially when combined with medication) in treating anxiety disorders.

But, exposure therapy helps treat anxiety attacks. Exposure therapy helps you to control fear in a safe and controlled environment. Through repeated exposure, patients gain greater self-control and confidence in facing fearful situations. What can you do to stop anxiety attacks in future?