Tag how to control anxiety

how to control anxiety

How To Control Anxiety And Relax Your Mind And Body

Panic attacks, sometimes called panic episodes, are episodes of intense panic or fear. You identify an anxiety disorder by repeated, unexpected panic fits, as well as fear of experiencing another episode. Discover how to control anxiety and reduce your fears.…

stress or social anxiety

Why Does Stress Or Social Anxiety Work Against You

One of the significant symptoms linked with social hysteria is stress. Stress works two ways – the social tension could cause it, and the strain can increase the social anxiousness. Stress or Social Anxiety Ruining Your Life? Fear can become a…

Fighting Social Anxiety

Fighting Social Anxiety Day By Day

You know the feeling well. You are at a social function, and suddenly all your fears come true. You had been dreading it for weeks unable to control your thoughts, feeling anxious and having panicky thoughts every day.  Your life…