Do I have social anxiety and how do I find out? Social phobia is an anxiety disorder. Someone with social phobia manifests symptoms of anxiety. Here are some tips for social anxiety disorder to help you discover your anxiety levels.

- If I want to know do I have social anxiety, then check to see if the following conditions are present:
- - Feeling clear and constant discomfort when you are in social situations or public performances or having to face people who are not your family.
- -You also have social phobia if you have anxiety when others can make an assessment on you.
- - You feel very uncomfortable and afraid when you think it could become humiliating or embarrassing.
You fear that others believe that you have anxiety.
- – You know perfectly well that your fears are not real and are irrational.
- – You try by all means to avoid exposing yourself to that kind of social situation or run away from them if you find them.
- – This whole situation of fear of social situations seriously interferes in your personal, social or professional life.
Are you tired of suffering from social anxiety and the fear and panic you feel? Social situations and conversation with people fill you with dread. There are ways to learn how to focus and pay attention to people, by changing your thinking. One way is to try and take the attention you place on yourself and your inner reflections.
Over time you will with practice make these situations more comfortable for yourself. You will get the skills to calm yourself, by correct breathing for example so that you will not be feeling so uncomfortable. You will discover techniques to overcome your shyness phobia, have more confidence and control your symptoms.
You will relax more and stop avoiding social functions, and deal with your thinking patterns which cause you so much suffering.
So do you have social anxiety or just panic disorder?
Tips For Social Anxiety
Sometimes social anxiety can also lead to generalized anxiety disorder. You are feeling extreme concern at various events and situations, making it difficult for the person to control it.
The duration and intensity of this anxiety are disproportionate to the possible consequences that may arise from those dreaded situations. In this type of disorder, you are not afraid of anything in particular, but everything in general.
Generalized anxiety disorder is more common in women than in men.
Do I Have Social Anxiety or GAD:
1. Excessive worry: More than six months in advance, you experience high anxiety about various situations and events. These involve work, family or relationship issues. For example, fearing that you will get fired from work, fear of injury, fear that your partner leaves you, etc.
2. Physical symptoms: If you suffer from this disorder, then it is common to undergo some of the following symptoms:
- – excessive fatigue
- – difficulty in sleeping
- – muscle tension
- – difficulty in relaxing
- – gastrointestinal problems
- – excessive sweating
- – tachycardia and palpitations
- – difficulty in concentrating.
3. Mood swings: The mood swings are characteristic of this disorder. If you are suffering from a generalized anxiety disorder, it is common that you will feel angry with people for no apparent reason.
4. Daily life: Anxiety and physical symptoms[/easyazon_link] that accompany you, have generated a deterioration in various aspects of your life, such as social, work, etc. It may happen that in this effort to prevent possible adverse events, you take extreme precautions that generate bad vibes in others or which make you feel that your performance is not suitable.
5. Generality: The concern that your feelings are not limited to a particular situation, but have to do with various situations or events of everyday life. Even these concerns may vary from time to time, adapting to the situation that you are going through at that point.
6. The absence of triggers: People with social anxiety have a history of anxiety before the appearance of the disorder. No specific trigger explains the presence of this condition, although certain factors favor it, such as stress.
7. Associated disorders: In many cases, social anxiety is accompanied by mood disorders, such as the greater depressive disorder or dysthymic disorder. You can also associate it with other anxiety disorders such as phobias but usually, appears with stress-related disorders.
As you can see, there are a lot of symptoms that will help you decide. These tips for social anxiety disorder will help you see where you are on the anxiety scale. They will answer the question: “do I have social anxiety or not”?.
- -You are afraid to interact with people who are not your immediate family.
- – Getting scared if you think someone is making judgments about you.
- – You think you will be humiliated in a social situation.
- - It is impossible for you to speak in public or act before a group of people.
- – Your personal relationship with individuals is perfect, but it gives you a lot of fear of being in a group of individuals you do not know.